Categories: Post Raid

Everything I’ve Ever Known Is Gone

Everything I've Ever Known Is Gone

The Building where we worshipped
The pulpit that we viewed
The lobby where we visited
Everything I’ve ever known is gone

The park we enjoyed
The gym where we played
The cafeteria where we feasted
Everything I’ve ever known is gone

The platform where we sang
The baptistery where we rejoiced
The alter where I prayed
Everything I’ve ever known is gone

The Sunday School where I grew
The school where I was taught
The church where I was saved
Everything I’ve ever known is gone

The lockers where we talked
The classes where we were challenged
The halls where we walked
Everything I’ve ever known is gone

The aisle I walked down to my salvation
The aisle I walked to my graduation
The aisle I walked for the invitation
Everything I’ve ever known is gone

The place where I was married
The place where my daughters were saved
The place where my family was raised
Everything I’ve ever known is gone

The platform where we sang
The baptistery where we rejoiced
The altar where we prayed
Everything I’ve ever known is gone

Yes-everything I’ve known is gone
Except God’s grace- sustaining
me moment by moment

Yes-everything I’ve ever known is gone
Except God’s mercy-wiping
My eyes with a gentle touch

Yes-everything I’ve ever known is gone
Except God’s goodness-reminding
Me that He is the Father of perfect Gifts

Yes -everything I’ve ever known is gone
Except God’s forgiveness
Casting my sins as far as the
East is from the west

Yes-everything I’ve ever known is gone
Except God’s sovereignty-planning
Life’s events before the world was

Yes-everything I’ve ever known is gone
Except God’s love-lifting me up
In His arms

Yes-everything I’ve ever known
Is right here

It is He
It is God

-Kathleen Dixon, Pastors wife

On the occasion of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple raided and seized by federal Marshals on February 13, 2001





On behalf of my father and the congregation of Indianapolis Baptist Temple, I would like to thank you for all the financial help we received in paying off our legal debts.  We are forever grateful to those of you who came to our aid. God Bless.