Approximately 30 pastors and lay people came to Indianapolis to pray and plan our strategy as a Fellowship on October 7th, 2020. I am so thankful for the interest in the Lordship of Christ over His church and for the good spirit exhibited in the meeting. This newsletter will be a monthly update on all that was planned for 2021. A big thanks to Dr. Don Boys and Dr. Phil Stringer for their challenging sermons.
The pastors agreed on some changes that will highlight and promote our mission.
1. This monthly newsletter will take the place of The Trumpet and Trumpet online.
2. The website and mailing lists will be overseen by myself and the Indianapolis Baptist Temple.
3. The UBF and the BLC are separate but will work together along with attorney Gerald Finney.
4. Every October at the annual UBF meeting the pastors will plan the agenda for the following year.
5. At least one UBF meeting per month will be hosted by a pastor around the country to promote our
Fellowship. I will participate in each meeting and will promote them. Everyone is welcome to
attend one or more if interested.
Thank you to those pastors who have scheduled meetings for 2021. More than one per month is acceptable but we would at least like to have one per month. If you are interested in hosting a monthly UBF meeting please choose a month and date and contact me as soon as possible. Each meeting will be on a Monday from 10am-5pm or at the discretion of the pastor. There will no meetings in November or December.
January –
February –
March 8 – Jeffersonville/Bill Adkins
April –
May 17 – Long Run/Joey Faust
June 7 – Ohio/Ernie Sanders
July 12 – Indy/Aaron Campbell
August 9 – Ashtabula/Pastor Latou
September –
October – IBT/Matt Roller, or Fairland/Tom Chestnut
THE MISSION: To preserve and continue the New Testament Baptist Church which had its beginnings with Christ
and His Apostles.
THE PURPOSE: To encourage and enjoy the fellowship of Baptist pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and laymen who
love and hold to the Historic Baptist Doctrines of the written Word of God.
THE VISION: To bless and leave for our posterity a Bride ready for the Lord’s return.
THE GOAL: To revive and maintain the purity of the Historic Baptist Faith of our 1st Century fore bearers.
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