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February UBF Newsletter By: Greg A. Dixon  CHURCHES ARE UNREGISTERING   Weekly, between Mr. Finney and myself we receive requests from churches and pastors that need information on unregistering or organizing their churches.  Our movement continues to grow little by little.  I believe as the Coming of Christ draws near, more and more churches will be [...]

UPDATE (11/17) – POSTED: Emergency motion submitted to the US Supreme Court

UPDATE (11/17) - POSTED: Emergency motion submitted to the US Supreme Court The following document is the emergency motion to stay judgment submitted to the United States Supreme Court. This particular document is addressed to Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and is dated November 2, 2000. No. 00A410 IN THE Supreme Court of the [...]


IBT: FINAL DENIAL UPDATE (11/13) FINAL DENIAL - Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist Denies final appeal for Stay At approximately 1:30 PM today (11/13/2000), Chief Justice William Rehnquist refused to Stay an Order to Vacate by District Judge Sarah Evans Barker, Indianapolis to authorize Federal Marshals to seize the church property at 2711 South East [...]

UPDATE (11/8) – Supreme Court Justice Stevens Denies Stay

UPDATE (11/8) - Supreme Court Justice Stevens Denies Stay The Indianapolis Baptist Temple has one ray of hope left to stave off Federal Marshals seizing their church property at 12 noon Tuesday, Nov. 14, WITH WHATEVER FORCE IS NECESSARY, according to a Sept. 28, Order to Vacate from Federal Judge Sarah Evans Barker, Indianapolis. The [...]

Update (11/1) – IBT files Stay with 7th Circuit Chief Justice

Update (11/1) - IBT files Stay with 7th Circuit Chief Justice On Monday, Oct. 30, the Indianapolis Baptist (IBT) filed a Motion directly with Judge J. Flaum, Chief Justice of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago to Stay an Order given by District Court Judge Sarah Evans Barker, Indianapolis, on Sept. 28 for [...]

IBT Property Tax Case

IBT Property Tax Case Dear Brethren and Friends, Just as Pharaoh came back after Israel after they had escaped from Egypt, it seems that the same thing is happening to the Indianapolis Baptist Temple. Thirteen years ago, the congregation, even though losing their property, escaped to locate twelve miles south of the original area, in [...]

IBT Victory at City Hall

IBT Victory at City Hall Indianapolis Baptist Temple Wins Victory at PTABOA Today Sept. 5 We are happy to report that the Property Tax Appeals Board for Marion County, Indiana voted without a single nay vote to exempt E and F Realty, the owner of the property at 4002 East Southport Road, in Indianapolis, which [...]

Jerald Finney Back with Biblical Law Center

Jerald Finney Back with Biblical Law Center Attorney Jerald Finney, author of 4 books on separation of church and state, including God Betrayed.  His website is Jerald Finney is lead counsel for the Biblical Law Center ("BLC"). The goal of the BLC is to glorify God by helping churches in their efforts to honor Jesus Christ by structuring themselves as [...]