Categories: The Trumpet Quarterly Issue, Trumpet 2019

Vol. XXVVI– Issue III July/September 2019

Vol. XXVVI – Issue II April/July 2019

Anne Graham Lotz’s
Message to America on
Our 243rd Birthday

Billy Graham’s daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her “How could God let something like this happen?” (regarding the attacks on Sept, 11, hurricanes and earth quakes. Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful responseShe said “I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we’ve been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our livesAnd being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?” In light of recent events … terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. 

I   think   it   started   when   Madeleine  Murray O’Hare (she was murdered, her  body  found  recently)  complained  she  didn’t want prayer in our schools, and  we  said  OK.  Then  someone  said  you  better  not  read  the  Bible  in  school….  the Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou  shalt not steal, and love your neighbor  as yourself. And we said OKThen Dr.  Benjamin   Spock   said   we   shouldn’t  spank     our  children     when     they  misbehave  because  their  little  personalities would be warped and we  might  damage  their  self-esteem  (Dr.  Spock’s son committed suicide). 

We  said  an  expert  should  know  what  he’s  talking  about.  And  we  said  OK.  Now  we’re  asking  ourselves  why  our  children have no conscience, why they  don’t know right from wrong, and why  it doesn’t bother them to kill strangers,  their    classmates,    and    themselves.  Probably, if we think about it long and  hard  enough,  we  can  figure  it  out.  I  think it has a great deal to do with “WE  REAP WHAT WE SOW.” Funny how  simple it is for people to trash God and  then wonder why the world’s going to  hell.  Funny  how  we  believe  what  the  newspapers say, but question what the  Bible  says.  Funny  how  you  can  send  ‘jokes’ through e-mail and they spread  like   wildfire   but   when   you   start  sending messages regarding the  Lord,  people think twice about sharing.     Funny  how  lewd,  crude,  vulgar  and  obscene  articles  pass  freely  through  cyberspace,  but  public  discussion  of  God  is  suppressed  in  the  school  and  workplace.  Are  you  laughing?  Funny  how  when  you  forward  this  message,  you  will  not  send  it  to  many  on  your  address  list  because  you’re  not  sure  what they believe, or what they WILL  think, of you for sending it.     Funny  how  we  can  be  more  worried  about  what  other  people  think  of  us  than what God thinks of us. Pass it on  if you think it has merit. If not then just  discard it… no one will know you did.  But,   if   you   discard   this   thought  process,  don’t  sit  back  and  complain  about  what  bad  shape  the  world  is  in.   God  bless  you  as  you  share  it  with  friends. No  Nation or people can ever  survive   or   succeed   without   Jesus  Christ. 

Publisher’s  comments:  The  scripture  says Pr 14:34   Righteousness exalteth a  nation:  but  sin  is  a  reproach  to  any  people.   Unless  something  happens  in  a  drastic  and  dramatic  manner  quickly  to  turn America around, we are going to go  the  way  that  other  nations  of  the  past  have gone that have forgotten God.  The  churches   must   awake   to   prayer   and  crying  out  to  God  for  His  mercy  upon  us.) 



This week I am preparing for two great weeks of ministry in MexicoThe first week of ministry will be held in Guanajuato, Zacatecas and San Luis. 

During this time there will be three church planting eventsPlease pray that hundreds of men will attend and dozens of new church planters will answer the call of God to take the gospel to some of the most remote parts of the world. 

The second week of ministry will include 20 youth and adults from five different states and will converge in Oaxaca – four medical teams and two VBS’s will simultaneously take placePlease for our safety and spiritual success. 

As you know ADVANCE has 6 INITIATIVES: go to to read more about themThese initiatives are a reality because of the financial support so many of you provideThe best is yet to come210 Churches have been planted since Advance began. 

As you are reading this OPEN LETTER, the church planting INITIATIVE is in need of $14,000 to meet its support promises to 100 church planters in Africa, Asia and Latin America for 2019. In addition, another $100,000 is needed to start 200 additional churches in 2020The numbers seem great, but all of us together can make this happenI believe that. 

Truly, the need is great and by faith my goal is to see this task accomplished, but I need your helpI can’t do this aloneGod has chosen men and women to fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION and there is great reward for doing so. 

I believe the Bible teaches that each of us has the responsibility to manage our wealth based upon our abilities in order to use what we grow to expand his church and kingdom. This includes all of us. In fact, my wife and I do not take a salary from ADVANCE. (Continued on page 3) 

New IRS Rules for


Dr. Greg J. Dixon

The following are thoughts gleaned from a recent article circulated by Start Church titled: IRS increases 2019 Audit Focus by Paul Rivera. This is one of the most frightening articles that we have presented on the Church/State – 501 c 3 issue since we became aware of this imminent danger to churches nearly fifty years ago.

First it shows that Pres. Trump who is purportedly the “Savior” of the churches of America, in the real world of the IRS, he has not slowed this beast in this instant matter of IRS encroachment on churches and other non-profit organizations.

He has only promised that he would not aggressively enforce the Johnson Amendment against the churches, but for them not to count on relief from the Civil Rights laws including discrimination of the LGBT communityNow let’s notice a few frightening facts from the above article. 

He   IRS   has   increased   their  agents     in     the     non-profit  division  with  the  expectation  of increasing audits.  

  They  would  not  be  doing  this  if they did not believe this is an  area  in  which  they  need  to  bring into compliance and also  expect     this     activity     will  increase    revenue    including  paying for the new agents.   

  Because of  this  the  non-profit  world    should    expect    great  pressure from these agents into  their  internal  affairs  over  the  next few years.  

   As  we  have  been  saying  for  many years, the IRS makes no  distinction  between  churches  and  other  religious  organizations,  even  though  in  some   cases  the   courts   have  made a distinction between the  two. 

    The  IRS  wants  to  strengthen  their  position  that  non-profit  workers   are   employees   by  having  the  church  issue  W-2  forms rather than 1099’s.  

   Even  though  there  has  been  some leniency in this area, the  IRS  considers  the  pastor,  and  the  ministerial  staff  as  employees,  equal  in  status  as  other  workers,  i.e.  secretaries  or janitors even saying in their  publications   that   the   pastor  should be ordained by the IRS. 

.  Small  churches  will  be  targeted    as    well    as    large  because   they   have   filed   for  non-profit status and now find  themselves out of compliance.   

   Many of these small churches  having used volunteers to keep  their  records,  will  not  be  able  to satisfy these revenue agents  and  will  be  forced  to  spend  funds that they do not have on  paid accountants.  

   The  church  will  no  longer  be  protected  under  Section  7611  which Congress enacted to set  a high bar for church audits.  

   All kinds of methods will now  be  used  to  gather  information  on the churches, including any  public  activity  of  any  manner  by     the     church     including  information   by   members   or  non-members.   

    The   IRS   is  not   required   to  ensure  it  has  reliable  information  when  they  move  on  a  church.  So,  what  if  a  disgruntled  employee  or  member  of  the  church  simply  makes  up  information  about  the church? Too badThe IRS  will use the information  unless  it     has     proof     that     the  informant is unreliable.   

  Don’t expect one of the present  “Christian”  advocacy  organizations  to  come  to  you  rescue.  In this arena of tax law  the  legal  guru  that  the  church  has pinned their hopes on will  simply explain that the church  should  comply  with  the  IRS  rules  and  site  the  words  of  Jesus:  at  Mt  Ch  22  “Render  therefore    unto    Caesar    the  things which are Caesar’s; and  unto  God  the  things  that  are  God’s.”  They are not going to  jeopardize    their    non-profit  status by opposing the IRS. 


In conclusion, we must understand that  Start  Church  in  this  warning  is  not  speaking to New Testament churches,  but  rather,  non-profit  religious  organizations  that  have  waived  their  First Amendment guarantees.     The   Biblical   Law   Center   is   still  helping    churches    to    organize    or  reorganize to allow them to invoke all  of   their   Biblical   and   constitutional  protections.    But  the  hour  is  late,  and  time is running out. We    would    encourage    all    that    are  interested to clicking on to our web site  at: 

An Open Letter (







My wife and I do not take a salary from ADVANCEWe have chosen to give 100% of everything we receive in donations and gifts for preaching to church planting. 

We are committed to DISCIPLEING NATIONS through church planting. 

Thank you for reading my OPEN LETTER and allowing me to share my excitement of church planting and what is happening around the world. 

Would you help me raise the remaining $14,000 needed to fully support these men on three different continents? 

Please let me know if you have any questions and I’d be happy to discuss in more detail! 

You can donate through Pay Pal on my  website or send a check to: 

4002 E. Southport Rd.
Indpls., In.



News Watch April 15, 2019
By Michael Snyder/Economic
Collapse Blog

Most U.S. churches are shrinking, and more than 100 die every weekIn a day and age where pastors are judged by attendance numbers and budget levels, scaring people away is bad for businessWith all that in mind, the results from a recent Barna survey shouldn’t be surprising at all… 

We wanted to know if pastors felt limited or pressured when it comes to speaking about controversial topicsHalf of Christian pastors says they frequently (11%) or occasionally (39%) feel limited in their ability to speak out on moral and social issues because people will take offenseThe other half of pastors say they only rarely (30%) or never (20%) feel limited in this wayWhen asked to identify the source of the concerns, pastors are much more likely to say that they feel limited by those inside the church than those outsideIn other words, the reactions of those in the pews are most on the minds of today’s pastors. 

And remember, these numbers just show the percentage of pastors that are willing to admit that they are afraid to speak out about controversial issuesIn reality, the percentage of U.S. pastors that actually hit the hard issues on a consistent basis is exceedingly low. Not offending people is obviously a strategy that can work, because many of America’s largest churches today are pathetically shallowIn fact, one of America’s most famous pastors absolutely refuses to ever use the word “sin” because it might offend someone. 

But eventually people get tired of superficial religion that doesn’t have any substance, and nobody can deny that there has been a mass exodus from the Christian faith in this countryIn fact, the number of Americans with “no religion” has risen by 266 percent over the last three decadesIn particular, young people crave authenticity, and they can spot a fake a mile away. They are leaving America’s churches faster than anyone else, and that is incredibly sad. 

Some churches are attempting to reverse this trend, and many of them seem to think that being “hip” and “trendy” is the key to winning young people backFor example, the following comes from a profile on C3 Church in New York City by Topic Magazine… 

Have you ever been to a church where the Jesus music is so loud that some congregants–young, hip urbanites all- -wear earplugsWhere the Christian pop-rock stirs people into such rapture that they jump up and down, both feet leaving earth, both hands raised ecstatically skyward, as if in a mild- mannered mosh pitWhere half the pastors, band members, and congregants have nose piercings and the other half have forearm tattoos, and a teeny-tiny beanie is the accessory du jour? 

There is certainly nothing wrong with having good music and a modern presentation, but it must also be accompanied by truth if it is going to do any goodIn the profile, the reporter for Topic Magazine asked “Pastor Josh” about his stand on one of the most controversial issues of our day, and he did his very best to dance around it… 

But Pastor Josh knows that some of his congregants are gay–or, in his words, “would say they’re gay”–and he’s happy to tell them where he feels “the truth lands on the issue.” He just doesn’t want “the conversation” to end the moment someone reads on C3’s website that gay marriage is an affront to God“To me, that’s a shame,” he says“I’m trying to show, ‘Hey, I’m not judging anyone. I’m not condemning anyone.’ We’ve all got our views and attractions and all those kinds of things.” He knows that young people, especially, inhabit a complicated, alienating world“I think every one of us is searching for love,” Pastor Josh says“Even though we might disagree on where the best place to look for love is.” 

I have read that quote several times, and I still don’t understand what he is trying to sayWhether people agree with it or not, Pastor Josh owes it to all of us to tell us directly what he really believes. 

Of course there are thousands upon thousands of other ministers just like “Pastor Josh” in America today. 

The church business has become all about making people feel good, and in this type of spiritual environment even Kanye West can start a church… 

Imagine stumbling into a church you’ve never seen on Sunday morningAs you approach you hear rapper DMX praying, “I have special privilegesI am God’s favored child.” In front of you sit Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, who were both raised Christian but now consider themselves “spiritual.” The prayer ends, and a gospel choir in matching Yeezy merchandise belts out rapper Kid Cudi’s “Reborn.” Presiding over it all is Pastor Kanye WestIt isn’t a dreamKanye reportedly started his own church on the first Sunday of the year, and since then, he’s attracted celebrities to his entertaining, religion-laced gatherings. 

Of course not all is lost. There are some pastors out there that are doing a fantastic job, and all over the world God is raising up a RemnantBut overall, the institutional church in America is failing to influence the culture because pastors are deathly afraid of scaring their customers awayAll that it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothingAnd right now a whole lot of good men are doing precisely that. 

(Publisher’s comments: This article misses another issue that some of us raised back in 1982 when we learned of the restrictions of the non-profit 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) contract that limits the stand that churches can take in the moral/political arena that has all but silenced most preachers for fear of losing their tax-exempt status. The church members have become so dependent on the tax-deductible gift that they actually believe it is embedded as a constitutional right. In my opinion there are two clear scriptures that describe these preachersThe first is found at 2Ti 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. The next is found at Mt 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquityI personally don’t believe that the Lord means by these words that these ministers are not true believers, I believe he means the word “know” is in the conjugal sensePaul said, That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; (Ph 3:10.) Few have known Him like this. Oh that we might have a longing to know Him in this manner. 

The profit from serving Christ  

far outweighs the price – anon  


Mark 8:36 “For what shall it profit  

a man, if he shall gain the whole  

world, and lose his own soul?” 


A Letter to Saint

Mary’s/Notre Dame

School Newspaper

WSBT 22 Reporter
Wednesday, March 27th 2019

A letter to the Saint Mary’s/Notre Dame student newspaper argues that women should stop wearing leggings because they attract inappropriate attention from men.

The Catholic mother of four sons argues that even “nice” guys are impacted by women who wear them.

Students on both the Saint Mary’s and Notre Dame campus reacted quickly to the controversial article.

In addition to letters in the Observer responding to the woman, there have been protests on campus.

Around 1,300 students are participating “The Leggings Protest” on Notre Dame’s campus today (Wednesday).

Senior Gaby Kluzinski hoped the article was satire when she first read it, but once she learned it was not, she joined the protest.

“People still always bring up and objectify women and always victim-blame them and keep doing it and you hope we progress, but you still find articles like this,” said Kluzinski.

The protest has two main objectives: for women and men to wear leggings in protest and to encourage conversations about female equality.

PhD student Valeria Mora decided to discuss the letter with her class. She wanted her students to know that they can talk to her about issues like this.

“The first thing I got was a huge gasp,” said Mora. “They were like ‘Yes! Yeah, I saw it too.’”

Mora says she hates the double standard in the letter.

She says no one says to men that they’re responsible for an attack because they were wearing shorts.

One law student thought the fact this happened in church was interesting.

“I also thought it was interesting that the comments were regarding something she viewed in church, particularly because there’s been a lot of push to get young people back in the church,” said Xitlaly Estrada, Notre Dame law student. “I saw it as a little counter-intuitive to be judging people while in mass.”

Conrad Palor wrote a response in the Observer, disagreeing with the woman. The sophomore wrote that the women’s letter was an attack on women.

He told us several classmates had reached out to him, happy to see that there was support from both men and women.

You can read the letter to the editor in full below:

I’ve thought about writing this letter for a long time. I waited, hoping that fashions would change and such a letter would be unnecessary — but that doesn’t seem to be happening. I’m not trying to insult anyone or infringe upon anyone’s rights. I’m just a Catholic mother of four sons with a problem that only girls can solve: leggings.

The emergence of leggings as pants some years ago baffled me. They’re such an unforgiving garment. Last fall, they obtruded painfully on my landscape. I was at Mass at the Basilica with my family. In front of us was a group of young women, all wearing very snug-fitting leggings and all wearing short-waisted tops (so that the lower body was uncovered except for the leggings). Some of them truly looked as though the leggings had been painted on them.

A world in which women continue to be depicted as “babes” by movies, video games, music videos, etc. makes it hard on Catholic mothers to teach their sons that women are someone’s daughters and sisters. That women should be viewed first as people — and all people should be considered with respect.

I talk to my sons about Princess Leia and how Jabba the Hutt tried to steal her personhood by putting her into a slave girl outfit in which her body became the focus. (That’s the only scene in the whole franchise in which Leia appears in such a way — and it’s forced upon her.)

Leggings are hardly slave girl outfits. And no one is forcing them on the countless young women who wear them. But I wonder why no one thinks it’s strange that the fashion industry has caused women to voluntarily expose their nether regions in this way. I was ashamed for the young women at Mass. I thought of all the other men around and behind us who couldn’t help but see their behinds. My sons know better than to ogle a woman’s body — certainly when I’m around (and hopefully, also when I’m not). They didn’t stare, and they didn’t comment afterwards. But you couldn’t help but see those blackly naked rear ends. I didn’t want to see them — but they were unavoidable. How much more difficult for young guys to ignore them.

I’ve heard women say that they like leggings because they’re “comfortable.” So are pajamas. So is nakedness. And the human body is a beautiful thing. But we don’t go around naked because we respect ourselves — we want to be seen as a person, not a body (like slave-girl Leia). We don’t go naked because we respect the other people who must see us, whether they would or not. These are not just my sons — they’re the fathers and brothers of your friends, the male students in your classes, the men of every variety who visit campus. I’m fretting both because of unsavory guys who are looking at you creepily and nice guys who are doing everything to avoid looking at you. For the Catholic mothers who want to find a blanket to lovingly cover your nakedness and protect you — and to find scarves to tie over the eyes of their sons to protect them from you!

Leggings are so naked, so form fitting, so exposing. Could you think of the mothers of sons the next time you go shopping and consider choosing jeans instead? Let Notre Dame girls be the first to turn their backs(ides) on leggings. You have every right to wear them. But you have every right to choose not to. Thanks for listening to the lecture. Catholic moms are good at those!

Two Jews

Dr. Greg J. Dixon

Two Jews – Jesus and Bernie:

Jesus – 2000 years ago: “The poor ye have with you always”

Bernie – Fox News Town Hall 4/15/19 – Elect me and my fellow Democratic Socialists and there will be no more poverty.

Lenin/Stalin – 1917:  To the Russian people – Thanks for supporting us and our program of Democratic Socialism, it worked after we killed off over 100 million and turned the entire country into a poverty- stricken gulag.  Before under the Czar we had 1% rich, now under communism, we still have 1% rich.  Under the Czar we had a middle class, under communistic/socialism we have no middle class.  Under the Czar we could worship God, under atheistic communism we can no longer worship God.  Under the Czar the preachers were free, under communism the preachers are in prison.

America at the cross roads, which will they choose in the next election, Jesus or Barabbas?

Light received brings more light;
rejected brings more darkness – anon.
Mt 6:23
But if thine eye be evil, thy
whole body shall be full of darkness. If
therefore the light that is in thee be
darkness, how great is that darkness!

Drumbeats Of Ezekiel 38 – Iran Dragging Middle East Into Dangerous Standoff

In recent weeks, Iran and its proxies have begun operating under a new directive best described as a policy of controlled escalation. Still, the potential for miscalculation and region-wide conflict has grown considerably.
Responding to the chokehold of U.S. sanctions put in place by the Trump administration, Tehran, together with its non-state militias and terrorist entities, initiated a series of aggressive acts throughout the Middle East.
These include the targeting of oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman with mines by a naval Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) squad, and last month, the targeting of oil tankers docked at a United Arab Emirates’ port in the Strait of Hormuz.


Such attacks are a clear threat, aimed at showing off Iran’s ability to disrupt international oil-shipping traffic. In addition, IRGC forces fired a missile at a U.S. intelligence drone. Meanwhile, Iranian proxy militias in Iraq and Syria were likely behind the firing of rockets recently at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and at Israel’s Golan Heights.
In addition, the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen launched cruise-missile and explosive drone attacks against sensitive targets in Saudi Arabia, hitting airports and oil facilities.
Behind all of the actions is a single message. If U.S. sanctions continue to damage the Iranian economy, the Islamic Republic is prepared to wreak havoc in response. Iran is demonstrating its ability to threaten oil exports by Washington’s Arab allies. It is effectively holding the global oil market hostage, in addition to implicitly threatening to step up attacks on Israel.
According to a Hebrew-language report published on Sunday by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Iran has used terror factions in Gaza to send threatening messages in response to its standoff with America.
Examples include speeches delivered by Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar and Palestinian Islamic Jihad secretary-general Ziad Al-Nakhleh. Both released threatening statements outlining what the next conflict with Israel would look like and boasted about growing rocket arsenals at their disposals. Both terrorist leaders praised Iranian support for their respective organizations.
Sinwar and Al-Nakhleh delivered their speeches in a manner designed to line up with Iran’s Quds Day, held on the last Friday of Ramadan, in which the regime in Tehran organizes rallies to call for Israel’s destruction.
MEMRI interpreted the speeches by Sinwar and Al-Nakhleh as “a threatening message from Iran, via its proxies, against the U.S. and its allies, after the failure of indirect talks between Iran and the U.S. over the Iranian nuclear program.” The statements echoed similar statements that came out of Iran itself on Quds Day, in what looks to be a coordinated influence campaign.
Planning to increase uranium enrichment
The Iranians are not rushing into war and are aware of America’s superior military might. The Iranians have also tasted Israel’s advanced capabilities in the form of large numbers of precision airstrikes in Syria that have destroyed many of their assets.
Instead, Iran wishes to frighten the international community, divide it and intimidate Europe into finding ways for protection from American sanctions.
The European Union has already tried (and failed) to set up a special financial mechanism to allow companies to bypass the sanctions; however, the threat of U.S. penalties has been overwhelming, and this effort failed.
European countries still have time to defend Iran from American sanctions, but they must act immediately, the spokesman for Iran’s nuclear agency, Behrouz Kamalvandi, warned on Monday. His statement is an indication of Iran’s short-term end game. Iran has given Europe until July 7 to do this.
After that, more severe Iranian violations of the nuclear agreement should be expected.
A longer-term objective for Iran seems to rest on waiting to see whether U.S. President Trump is re-elected in 2020 before taking any truly irreversible decisions.
In the meantime, the Iranians are preparing the option of leaving the nuclear agreement and restarting its nuclear program.
On Monday, Iran warned that it could begin enriching uranium to 20 percent, significantly higher than the 3 percent it is allowed under the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal. Tehran also increased the rate of uranium enrichment and stopped shipping excess uranium abroad, as it is obligated to do.
Between the lines, Iran’s warning seems stark. If a strained economy causes instability at home, the Islamic Republic could prefer plunging the region into war in order to save itself, and in doing so rally Iranians around the flag.
The calculation behind such a move is that the Iranian regime would likely survive a U.S. air campaign, despite the massive damage it would incur. But it might not survive an uprising at home.
This, then, is Iran’s response to the massive economic pressure it is under. After America cancelled waivers to countries that import Iranian oil, Tehran took the decision to embark on a policy of controlled escalation.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and the IRGC seem to be controlling Iran’s posture, rather than the reformist camp and President Hassan Rouhani. The reformist camp’s proposal to rescue the Iranian economy from sanctions and isolation by signing a nuclear deal with the international community in 2015 has been discredited in the eyes of Khamenei and the IRGC.
As tensions in the Persian Gulf rise, they also project outwards, to other areas of the Middle East. Iran controls powerful, heavily armed proxies, and it could activate any number of them as part of a new escalation.
Israel, for its part, has made it clear that it will not tolerate a situation in which Iran restarts its nuclear program.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said should that happen, the international community will have to immediately activate snapback sanctions, and “in any case, Israel will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.”


I have no one to impress, but only one to
please, His name is Jesus, my Lord
Isa 42:8 “I am the LORD: that is my
name: and my glory will I not give to
another, neither my praise to graven

Dangerous Rise of Anti-

Semitism all Over the

World, Including the


Michael Snyder – Economic
Collapse Blog April 30, 2019
Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar
There is no place for anti-Semitism in our society, and all of us should be deeply alarmed by how rapidly anti-Semitism is rising across North America, Europe and the Middle East.
The numbers that I am going to share with you in this article are incredibly disturbing, and many believe that anti-Semitism is now the worst that it has been since the end of World War II.
After what we witnessed during the 1930s and 1940s, you would think that the world would never want to go down that path ever again, and yet it is happening.  Millions upon millions of people deeply hate the Jewish people just because they are Jewish, and it is getting worse with each passing day.


The lastest example is the New York Times which just days after the Times published an op-ed falsely claiming Jesus was a Palestinian, placed a cartoon on their op-ed page, depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a dog leading a blind U.S. President Donald Trump.
Imagine if the New York Times cartoon that depicted Israel’s Prime Minister as a dog had, instead, depicted the leader of another ethnic or gender group in a similar manner? If you think that is hard to imagine that you are absolutely right. It would be inconceivable for a Times editor to have allowed the portrayal of a Muslim leader as a dog; or the leader of any other ethnic or gender group in so dehumanizing a manner.
What is it then about Jews that allowed such a degrading cartoon about one of its leaders? One would think that in light of the history of the Holocaust, which is being commemorated this week, the last group that a main stream newspaper would demonize by employing a caricature right out of the Nazi playbook, would be the Jews. But, no. Only three quarters of a century after Der Stürmer incentivized the mass murder of Jews by dehumanizing them we see a revival of such bigoted caricatures.
Threats of rising anti-semitism caught the world’s attention after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting in October 2018, where the gunman murdered 12 people and injured 7 during Shabbat morning service.  Now another one has happened…
19-year-old John Earnest was once a quiet piano player that had a seemingly bright future in front of him, but after being infected by the vile anti-Semitism that is rapidly spreading all over the Internet, he decided that it would be a good idea to walk into a synagogue and start shooting people…
One woman was killed and three others were wounded when a man entered a synagogue during Passover services Saturday at the Chabad of Poway temple and opened fire with an AR-style assault weapon shortly before 11:30 a.m.
Poway is about 25 miles northeast of San Diego. The city’s mayor, President Donald Trump and California Gov. Gavin Newsom all called the attack a hate crime.
The suspect, 19-year-old John Earnest, was arrested and is being questioned by authorities.
60-year-old Lori Gilbert Kaye was killed when she stepped in front of the synagogue’s rabbi as he rushed to evacuate children.  She will be remembered as a hero, while John Earnest will be remembered as a hate-filled racist that said that Jewish people “deserve nothing but hell”.
All over the globe, prominent political leaders are condemning what John Earnest did.  In his statement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it “an attack on the heart of the Jewish people”…
“I condemn the abhorrent attack on a synagogue in California; this is an attack on the heart of the Jewish people,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “We send condolences to the family of Lori Gilbert-Kaye and our best wishes for a quick recovery to the wounded. The international community must step up the struggle against anti-Semitism.”
Unfortunately, we aren’t talking about just a few isolated individuals.
A recent CNN survey that was conducted in Europe discovered that anti-Semitic attitudes are very widespread over there…
Anti-Semitic stereotypes are alive and well in Europe, while the memory of the Holocaust is starting to fade, a sweeping new survey by CNN reveals. More than a quarter of Europeans polled believe Jews have too much influence in business and finance. Nearly one in four said Jews have too much influence in conflict and wars across the world.
One in five said they have too much influence in the media and the same number believe they have too much influence in politics.
Other polls have showed the majority of British adults don’t know that 6 million Jewish people were murdered in Holocaust, or they believe the number killed to be much less than this.
The European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency study published last year asked European Jews in 12 countries their views on anti-Semitism. Hundreds of Jews polled said they had experienced a physical, anti-Semitic attack in the past year.
According to authorities in France, the number of anti-Semitic attacks in that country rose 74 percent last year.
Of course this is not just a recent trend either.  According to the Anti-Defamation League, there was a huge increase in global anti-Semitic attacks from 2016 to 2017…


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Joel Osteen Celebrates

LGBTQ Pride at Lady

Gaga Event

Posted New York Daily News July 24,

NEW YORK — Megachurch speaker and author Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria were among a number of celebrities, including drag queens, actors and music industry personalities, who attended the “SiriusXM and Pandora Present Lady Gaga at the Apollo” concert on Monday night in New York City. The two posed on the carpet for a photograph next to a SiriusXM/Pandora/Lady Gaga backdrop, which is posted online.

“Are you ready to [expletive] party tonight? Are we making history?” Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, asked the crowd as she opened the show, according to the New York Daily News.

The popular music streaming companies had announced last month that they would be presenting the “special performance” to “celebrate SiriusXM and Pandora coming together as one company.” They also noted that the concert “coincides with World Pride Month, which this year is being celebrated in New York City.”

This is not satire, this really happened. Joel Osteen, one of the modern-day princes of the Word of Faith prosperity gospel movement, was seen at Lady Gaga’s pride celebration at Apollo Theater on Monday night. The New York Daily News reports, Poehler wasn’t the only heavy hitter in the crowd. From Alaska Thunderf–k, a drag performer who won Season 2 of “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars” to the controversial televangelist and anti-LGBTQ pastor Joel Osteen, the event drew an eclectic mix of fans, industry insiders and celebrities, from the movies (Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael Douglas), the music universe (Clive Davis, Adam Lambert), the fashion world (Alexander Wang), television (John Oliver, Camila Mendes) and the America’s gay Royal couple and Harlem residents Neil Patrick Harris and husband David Burtka. Osteen’s presence was curious, because Gaga has championed LGBTQ causes. Lady Gaga is known for her risque performances and lack of modest attire. Being that Osteen is a charlatan who has been given over to the lusts of this world and bilks millions of people for every dime they have, it comes as no surprise that he and his wife, Victoria, would immerse themselves in the culture of demonic influence, sex, and greed. It was reported that Osteen was wearing a blue blazer while his wife was wearing a long, black dress.

Interestingly, Osteen asserted a few years ago that he believes that the Scriptures are clear that homosexuality is a sin. Yet, he has continuously softened his tone and downplayed the significance toward homosexuality since then. In an effort to remain culturally relevant and inclusive, Osteen generally avoids the topic altogether. Osteen’s ministry has produced a number of look-alike worldly money-hungry pastors, including his very own apprentice, John Gray, who was caught cheating on his wife and made amends to her by buying her a $200 thousand Lamborghini while living in a $1.8 million home paid for by his church.

(Publisher’s comments: We do not rejoice in exposing this tragic behavior of the Osteen’s on TOL. Even though we do not agree with Joel’s “Word of Faith” doctrine and his “healing in the atonement” position, which basically says that its possible to reverse the curse, we believe that he is a blessing to a great many people. As a representative of Christianity all over the globe, as Jacob said, concerning the activity of his wicked sons, he will make us all “to stink among the inhabitants of the land.” It will be so especially among the non-Christian religions, such as Islam. We must understand that we can’t win the world by acting like them. Paul said, 2Co 6:17 “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you…” When the Lord Jesus ate with sinners, there was no question in anyone’s mind that He was not endorsing their sin. We need to be aware that some of the leading media preachers and preacherettes are posturing themselves to keep their tax-exempt status over the LGBTQ issue that is heating up all over the nation. Joel now has the evidence of his tolerance toward this community. He is trying to have it both ways. Even if somehow the Osteen’s simply made a mistake, when Gaga cursed, they should have exited immediately. They should go back and reread Ps 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.)


The LGBT Equality Act passed the Democrat-dominated House of Representatives on Friday with a 236 to 173 vote.

As Christian Headlines previously reported, the ill-named Equality Act seeks to make “gender identity” a covered category under the Civil Rights Act, thereby overriding the protections based on biological sex. The act also moves to repeal the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 and would make abortion a federally protected civil right; require the funding of abortion through Medicaid, Medicare and other sources; and encroach on parental rights to their children’s healthcare among other things.

According to Fox News, the bill had nearly unanimous support among House Democrats and garnered the support of eight House Republicans.

Among the Republicans who voted for the legislation were Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Rep. John Katko (R-NY). Both Fitzpatrick and Katko are listed as sponsors of the act.

Roll Call reports that 23 members of the House, including three Democrats seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, abstained from voting on the legislation.

The act’s next step is the Republican-dominated Senate where it will need to reach 60-votes in order to avoid a filibuster, the  Washington Blade reports.

Many are expecting the bill to fail in the Senate since Democrats will have to pick up 13 GOP votes – provided that all of the Senate Democrats are on board with the Equality Act – in order to reach 60 total votes.

If the Equality Act passes the Senate, President Trump – who has spoken out against the Equality Act – is expected to veto the legislation.


Among the many things the Equality Act endangers, the church is one of them. If the Equality Act passes, Churches will no longer be able to hire someone based on their beliefs. What this means is that a church could not deny hiring someone because they are an Atheist or because they live a life contradictory to the church’s beliefs.

This also means that churches, like all other institutions, will not be allowed to segregate restrooms or locker rooms based on sex, a move that could increase the risk to young girls and women in public or shared restrooms in all venues.

According to Greg Baylor of Alliance Defending Freedom, the Equality Act is also set to repeal the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, a bill that was signed into law by Democratic President Bill Clinton. This means that people will no longer be able to use religious free exercise as a defense for their actions. For example, if a church declines to allow a gay couple from holding their wedding in their church because it goes against your religious beliefs, the church could be subjected to legal action. According to Focus on the Family, if the Equality Act passes, the same will be true for other organizations as well, including, adoption agencies, wedding venues, florists, bakers and photographers.


According to The Hill, the Equality Act moves to elevate the protection of LGBT people over people of faith. If enacted, the Equality Act will prevent religious people from denying a service, employment, housing or public accommodations among other things, to LGBT persons, despite the fact that homosexuality contradicts their religious beliefs.

An example of this would be the well-known Masterpiece Cake Chop case. While Jack Phillips was deemed within his first amendment right of freedom of religion when he declined to make a wedding cake for an LGBT couple, the Equality Act would have deemed Phillips’ decision discriminatory.

Alliance Defending Freedom’s Sarah Kramer summed up the effects of the act on religious people by putting it simply. In a statement on the ADF website Kramer wrote, “Essentially, the Equality Act gives people of faith an ultimatum: Change your faith-based practices or face government punishment.”

She added, “This would prohibit employers, individuals who rent out apartments in their homes, preschools, and even religious schools and organizations from making choices based on basic biology, bodily privacy, and their beliefs about the nature of marriage.”



While the LGBT community might feel like there is something to celebrate with the Equality Act, feminists – both radical and liberal – are speaking out against the legislation. The Equality Act is seeking to make “gender identity” a covered category under the Civil Rights Act. By doing this, the protected category of “sex” is being eliminated. This means that all of the strides women have made in society to advance women’s rights and protections, are going out the window.

The bill seeks to amend dozens of sections in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to add “including sexual orientation and gender identity,” any place the category “sex” is protected.

Essentially what this means is that scholarships for women, grants for women, business loans for women and restrooms for women among other things, could legally be awarded to or used by men. Both conservative Christian organizations and liberal radical feminist organizations are banding together in protest of this change, some even arguing that if the Equality Act passes it will “erase women.”

Radical feminist group Women’s Liberation Front came out against the act on Twitter writing, “If the #EqualityAct succeeds in making “gender identity” a protected class under federal law, it will erase the protected category of “sex,” which for decades has been the foundation for securing the rights and opportunities of women and girls in the United States. #WomenStandUp


Not only will the Equality Act allow male students to enter female restrooms, but it will also hinder parents’ authority over their children.

According to the Heritage Foundation, the bill will politicize the medical industry creating conflicts with parents, doctors and the government.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said of the Equality Act that it is “the most invasive threat to a parent’s involvement in children’s medical decisions he’s seen.” The Heritage Foundation reports that the Equality Act will force doctors to ignore parents’ wishes and give kids – no matter the age – transgender operations and puberty blockers if the child asks for it. This means that even if a parent simply wants to allow their young child to be an adult before making the life-altering decision to transition from one gender to the other, but the child asks for the procedure, then doctors must comply to the child’s wishes.

Scalise explained this to CBN News saying, “The son can actually go to a doctor without the parents’ involvement at all, even if the parents object vocally. Under this bill, the doctor has to treat the boy to ultimately transfer over to be a female.”

“I’m not talking about 18, 19, 20-year-olds – I’m talking about 11 and 12-year-olds,” he added.

According to Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), cases like this are already happening in individual states. “In Ohio, there were parents who had their parental rights taken away from them because they refused to go along with giving hormone treatments to their teenage child,” Hartzler told CBN News.

Hartzler also warned that doctors who refuse to do transgender procedures on anyone – including kids – can face legal ramifications.

While the Equality Act has yet to pass into law, it has passed the House Judiciary Committee. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the legislation on Friday.

Pete, Since You Brought
it Up, How “Gay” Are
Don Boys, Ph.D.

In the south, it has been traditional for a young lady (debutante or “female beginner”) of high status to “come out” into adulthood. It’s a formal rite of passage into society of an educated, wealthy, sophisticated young lady now ready for the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood. It is a recognition of her availability of being a wife and mother—in that order. This coming out takes place at a ball and elegant dinner. During the evening, the debutante displays her ability to walk, sit, dance, and eat without tripping over her gown or dropping a croissant down the front of her dress.

Homosexuals also have a “coming out” but not as elaborate as the southern ladies. Most southerners pay little or no attention to the social elites’ fancy affairs since they are busy making a living. However, arrogant homosexuals seem to think that all of us want to know about when they “became aware of their sexuality” and feel a need to announce it to the world. As if we care.

Pete Buttigieg is mayor of South Bend, Indiana and is “married” to Chasten Glezman, a teacher at Montessori Academy near South Bend. Pete calls Chasten his “husband” but since that is asinine, aberrant, and not accurate, I will refer to him as his “lover.” I do that knowing I will be reminded that Time magazine gave him some credibility with a cover photo of Pete and his lover. However, Time’s rush to gush is typical of the leftist media who are willing to promote anything that is anti-biblical, anti-common sense, and anti-decency.

Glezman admitted that he and Pete met online, had their first date in South Bend in September of 2015, then he “moved to Indiana and started living with Buttigieg in 2016.” Obviously, they lived together before “marriage.”

In December of 2017, the “couple” announced their engagement and were “married” in June 2018 in the Cathedral of St. James (Episcopal) in South Bend. (That says much about everyone involved.) Following their ceremony, the couple stopped by for a short visit at a LGBTQ Pride Week block party; and then went to their wedding reception where they danced the night away with 200 guests.

Their ceremony was livestreamed on YouTube and featured a reading from Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion in the landmark 2015 same-sex “marriage” decision that made perversion legal if not moral.

I don’t hate Pete or his lover or any other homosexual, but I will not give them a pass when they or others suggest that “gayness” is not perversion, that it is normal, maybe even admirable. Nor is it bigotry to explain to uninformed readers what “gayness” is. However, with my demand to know the extent of Pete’s “gayness,” I will become the object of ridicule and rebuke, and rejection. Maybe, even more death threats. But if you love homosexuals more than you fear retaliation, you tell them the truth.

And this article will be rejected by some of the sites that normally publish my articles—for telling the truth! No doubt, I will be held in more disdain for revealing the disgusting things that homosexuals do than the homosexuals who do those disgusting things! You can expect the homosexual crowd to have a hissy fit because of this article. That is as predictable as tomorrow’s sunrise.

To emphasize my point: Pete and his lover chose to make their perversion a very public matter. They really worked at it. Pete said, “I’m gay as a—I don’t know, think of something really gay—that’s how gay I am.” Remember, Pete brought this up so I, as a voter, have a right to know just how “gay” Pete is. After all, he wants to be President of the United States and I want to know where he stands on important issues.

Since studies show that about half of homosexuals were seduced into perversion by age 14, I wonder if Pete would totally renounce and repudiate such a revolting practice. Just a simple disavowal with appropriate disgust thrown in will suffice.

All homosexuals are aware that their lifespan is about 20 years less than for normal people so voters should know that a homosexual president may not live to finish his term. Moreover, 70% of homosexuals admit to having at least one STD plus they are infected with other contagious diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc. About 20% of homosexual men are infected with HIV and about half of them do not know it. Don’t voters have a right, even an obligation, to know a candidate’s health status since the candidate’s health is always an issue? Is a homosexual candidate an exception? If so, why?

Will he release his complete medical records?

Since homosexuals do many dangerous things it seems wise, considerate, thoughtful, and loving to suggest they cease such dangerous activities. After all, we strongly suggest that one should not smoke, eat much red meat, not drink, and not gain weight since those are deadly activities. Why is it unreasonable, unkind, or untoward to demand the same of homosexual candidates?

Pete admits to using marijuana while at Harvard and wants to make smoking weed legal, but does he still use marijuana, use tobacco, drink hard liquor, overeat, lose sleep, and refuse to exercise?

Homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous as reported in a six-month study of daily sexual diaries by Corey and Holmes in the New England Journal of Medicine. In that study, homosexuals “averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year.” It is known that even the most devoted and long-lasting homosexual relationships are usually not monogamous. Each partner normally reserves a night out each week to “play the field.” Will Pete admit that that is too “gay”?

Studies show that almost all homosexuals practice oral sex and about half ingest semen which is as dangerous as ingesting raw blood exposing them to hepatitis A and B, gonorrhea, and HIV. Moreover, about 90% of homosexuals practice rectal sex and two-thirds do so on a regular basis. Furthermore, 17% of homosexuals admit to rubbing or ingesting the feces of homosexual partners. Will Pete admit that too is too “gay”?

About 23% of “gays” (according to the largest study ever conducted) participate in golden showers where they urinate on each other, splash each other with urine or drink urine. Now, it is a person’s own business if he has a taste for urine, but we have a right to know what Pete thinks about that. Is he “that gay”?

Will Pete repudiate the 41% of “gays” who practice fisting where one rams his fist into the rectum of his partner? Or, at times, they use carrots, bottles, flashlights, (even gerbils!) or other objects often requiring a trip to the hospital for removal. Surely, Pete will repudiate that.

Will Pete repudiate the 90% of “gays” who practice rimming which is so disgusting that I won’t continue to explain it? In doing research for my book, AIDS: Silent Killer!, the owner of a chain of homosexual bathhouses told me that often the same man is “rimmed” 20 times in a single night. Will Pete repudiate such a disgusting practice?

Surely, Pete will repudiate the 37% of homosexuals who practice sadomasochism, the 90% of homosexuals who use illegal drugs, and the 66% who admit to restroom sex.

Franklin Graham was right when he said about Pete, being gay is “something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized.” In declaring that fact, Graham was showing love and concern for the mayor because God judges sin—all sin even the sin that shouldn’t even be named. Perversion results in judgment with horrible, eternal results.

If you haven’t noticed, they are no longer “gay” in Sodom.

(Publisher’s comments: Any decent and God fearing person should be embarrassed to read such that we have published on TOL today, however the reason the sodomites are becoming accepted in polite society is because people do not really have a clue what they do and what they are recruiting our children to do, and be assured they have never ceased their goal to turn the entire world into a “queer” society. The Zero Population growth crowd is also using them to advance their political agenda.)

VOL. CXVIII Issue 118
JULY – SEPT. 2019 AD
The Trumpet is published quarterly
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Publisher- Dr. Greg J.
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Circulation- Colleen Tiffany and
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35th Annual Unregistered Baptist Fellowship Meeting
October 14-16, 2019
Fairland Baptist Temple
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Tom Chestnut, Host Pastor
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mile to 600 W
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ATTENTION: Special announcement from Pastor Chestnut. There
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pm – Located in: Washington Square Mall
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Unregistered Baptist Fellowship
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