The Trumpet

About The Trumpet

Published quarterly as a ministry of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple.

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1. Even though The Trumpet is a ministry of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple and therefore totally responsible for its content, we wish with the Lord’s help to be a servant to the unregistered churches of the U.S. and around the world, and especially to the Unregistered Baptist Fellowship.

2. The Trumpet without apology will present the historic Baptist position on all subjects. We are fundamental in all of our doctrinal positions including the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Eschatologically, we are Pre-millennial. However, we will not hold all contributors or source material responsible to agree with us on all points.

3. The Trumpet will vigorously contend for all of the biblical positions regarding faith and practice in the area of morals, culture, economics, and government.

4. The Trumpet will stand vigilantly for the separation of Church and State especially as it is stated in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the various state constitutions.

5. The Trumpet will oppose all worldliness, denominationalism, ecumenicalism, socialism, communism, and compromise as promoted by the modern day state church.

6. The Trumpet claims no infallibility. We therefore invite readers to notify us of any errors of fact, judgment, or theology. If any mistake of fact is made, we will try to correct it in the next issue.

7. The Trumpet invites our readers to supply facts, articles, and poetry without charge and, if used, credit will be given: if not, it will not be returned.

The Trumpet is under Common Law Copyright.
All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to copy.