Six Serious Errors With The A.A.C.S. Report
Six Serious Errors With The A.A.C.S. Report This is in response to an article on the American Association of Christian School's website. SIX SERIOUS ERRORS WITH THE A.A.C.S. REPORT ON THE INDIANAPOLIS BAPTIST TEMPLE. 1. The I.B.T., a New Testament congregation had no employees, only ministers. This is based upon the fact the I.B.T. was [...]
A Rebuttal To Indianapolis Baptist Temple
A REBUTTAL TO INDIANAPOLIS BAPTIST TEMPLE: RIGHT OR WRONG? On April 5, 2001, I received a kind personal letter from Brother Mike Randall, editor of The Baptist Preacher, along with two copies of the publication. After reading the article, "Indianapolis Baptist Temple: Right or Wrong," I thoroughly disagreed with his conclusions. I also regretted that [...]
10 Curses on America – More to come?
10 Curses on America - More to come? 10 Previous Times America Faced Major Disaster After Attempting To Divide Israel Because Barack Obama has cursed Israel at the United Nations, America is now under a curse. Friday's stunning betrayal of Israel at the UN Security Council is making headlines all over the planet, but the [...]
Vol. XXIII – Issue 3 Jul/Sep 2015
Vol. XXIII - Issue 3 Jul/Sep 2015 Declaration of Independence - May 27, 2015 The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription ________________________________________ IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political [...]